How Much Do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes Cost?

So, you want to learn Jiu Jitsu? You’re not alone. More and more people are learning Jiu Jitsu, whether it is for fun, sport, or self-defense lots of people are signing up and taking classes. 

Needless to say, the cost is usually the first thing that comes to mind when signing up for anything new. 

So, How Much Do Jiu Jitsu Classes Cost? Classes can cost anywhere between $100-$250 a month. The cost goes towards:

  • Lessons
  • Training
  • Gym membership
  • Equipment

Training for Jiu Jitsu is not cheap, but the same can be said for most sports and hobbies. The good news is Jiu Jitsu can pay off in the long run, because you’ll gain confidence and develop self-defense skills that can get you out of a jam. 

What Is BJJ?

BJJ or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a form of martial arts fighting style that leans towards grappling and submissions. Very similar to judo and wrestling. Over the years, it’s turned into a popular competitive sport. 

When people train for BJJ, they practice moves repeatedly with someone who is experienced, like a coach or partner, to prevent injuries. This is why BJJ classes are necessary. 

Jiu Jitsu Classes

If you want to learn Jiu Jitsu, then you’ll probably want to look into classes at your local BJJ facility. At the school, there’ll be Jiu Jitsu classes where beginners start off with basic moves and work their way up— from white belt to black belt. 

When you sign up for classes, it usually involves training with an experienced coach and a group of other BJJ enthusiasts. Working with several different people will help you refine your skills. You’ll also learn combo techniques that will help you develop a good game strategy. 

There are three kinds of BJJ schools and gyms: 

  • Traditional- Focuses on traditional martial arts practices with stricter rules. For example, you would be expected to keep your belt and Gi on at all times. Instructors are to be called “Professors.” 
  • Formal- Has traditional rules but aren’t as strict. You can wear different color Gis, and continue a roll if your belt falls off. You can usually call your instructor by their name. 
  • Informal- Much more relaxed, and the rules are flexible. Everyone is treated as an equal. 

A traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school is not necessarily more expensive than an informal BJJ school. The costs depend on the location and reputation. A well-known facility with more members is more likely to charge more per month than a smaller facility that is not as reputable. 

There is no right or wrong when it comes to choosing a Jiu Jitsu school, as long as it matches your preferences. If you prefer traditional BJJ, then search for a traditional school, and so on. 

It may help to request a tour and ask the instructor questions like, “Can I wear a blue gi? What happens if a belt comes loose during a roll?” 


Training is necessary for developing techniques in Jiu Jitsu. Practice and repetitive drills are required, so grapplers can strengthen the techniques they learned in class. Usually, training is done with a trusted partner at a BJJ gym facility with proper mats. (This is where these memberships come in handy.) 

Private lessons are an option, but not necessary. If you prefer to do private lessons for a customized, one-on-one learning experience, then the costs may vary. It depends on the instructor, some charge by the hour. It could cost anywhere between $75-$200 an hour. 

Some BJJ grapplers pay for both the classes and private lessons to improve their game, especially if there’s a competition coming up. 


A membership at a BJJ facility is similar to a plan at a gym fitness center. You’ll sign a contract to pay about $100-$200, and then you’ll be given access to the facility during open hours. 

Most times, classes will take place at the same facility where the membership is provided. This gives members a chance to train with others before or after classes. 

A membership can seem costly, but there are some occasions where you’ll find less expensive rates. Some places offer a membership discount if you sign up for classes. The cost is worth it because you’ll be able to train on your own time, and have access to equipment. 


If you sign up for classes, you’ll find that there are pieces of equipment that will need to be purchased when training for Jiu Jitsu, such as:

  • Rash guards- The rash guards will come in handy when you’re rubbing on the mat. It’ll help prevent some scrapes and burns. Rash guards and shorts for a No-Gi training may cost around $70. 
  • Tape- Fingers are known to become injured and sore in BJJ from the constant gripping and grappling. The tape provides the fingers with some protection when wrapped a certain way. It’s also been known to help ease some soreness in the fingers. It’s usually inexpensive, but you may need to buy several each year. Check out our article on “Why Do BJJ Practitioners Tape Their Fingers?”
  • Kimono (also known as “Gi”)- The Gi outfit is similar to what you would see in karate, but beginners usually start with a Gi that is better suited for BJJ. The Gi is specifically designed to handle gripping and grappling techniques. You can get two Gis for about $100. You can also add patches (more on that later). Here’s our article on “Gi vs No-Gi: Which is Better?”

Some of the equipment costs for Jiu Jitsu may seem high, but it’s worth it. It’s similar to buying the right shoes for soccer, or the right glove for softball, or the right golf clubs. When you invest in the right equipment early on, it may save you money in the long run.

Tip: Ask your facility if they provide some of the equipment at a discounted price, or if the costs can be included in a membership payment plan. 

Additional Costs 

Like with almost all sports, there are usually extra costs on top of lesson fees and memberships. Therefore, it would be smart to think ahead and prepare for any extra costs such as:

  • Tournament fees
  • Medical bills
  • Equipment replacement cost
  • Transportation & travel 
  • BJJ Gi patches

Tournament Fees

Competitions cost money. If you want to sign up for one, then expect to shell out a couple of hundred dollars or more. Some BJJ grapplers prefer to buy an additional outfit that they set aside for competitions. 

Medical Bills

People tend to become injured from Jiu Jitsu, especially as a beginner, so expect to see some medical expenses from time to time. Not all injuries will require a doctor visit, but you may still need to buy some tape, ice packs, heating pads, and so on. 

Equipment Replacement Cost

Equipment doesn’t last forever. There will come a time where they may need to be replaced. The Gi and rash guards will eventually become worn down. You’ll also need to buy more tape. A lot more tape (if you like using them.) 

Transportation & Travel

Going to classes or training will require gas money or bus passes unless you prefer to walk there. It would be a good idea to put some money aside for any transportation needs for competitions. 

BJJ Gi Patches 

As you work your way through classes and milestones, you’ll find yourself wanting to add patches to your Gi. Unlike with Judo, or other sports, the BJJ authorities allow multiple patches on the Gi as long as the patches are in the right place.

Many experts will have patches on their Gi, and these patches cost money. You can get custom patches, or novelty patches with cartoons or symbols that illustrate your interests. Check out these cool Jiu Jitsu patches on Amazon

It’s not uncommon for Jiu Jitsu practitioners to have multiple Gis with patches that were provided by sponsors, especially if they’re famous for winning competitions. 

Also check out our article on “Why is Jiu Jitsu So Expensive?”

Author: Let's Roll BJJ

Let's Roll BJJ aims to be the leading source of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Grappling information and news on the web. Dorian, the owner and editor of Let's Roll BJJ is a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu and has been training and competing for over 6 years. Apart from being a BJJ geek, Dorian is a software developer by trade, a husband, and a father of two wonderful kids who he's recently began teaching Jiu Jitsu. When he's not training, coding, or writing, you can find him hiking, camping or occasionally binging on video games.

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